VZCZCXRO0459 PP RUEHAG RUEHBC RUEHDE RUEHKUK RUEHROV DE RUEHLB #1451/01 2811721 ZNY SSSSS ZZH P 071721Z OCT 08 FM AMEMBASSY BEIRUT TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 3229 INFO RUEHEE/ARAB LEAGUE COLLECTIVE RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE RUCNDT/USMISSION USUN NEW YORK 3006 RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO 3217 RHMFISS/CDR USCENTCOM MACDILL AFB FL RHEHAAA/NSC WASHDC Content S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 BEIRUT 001451 SIPDIS NOFORN DEPT FOR NEA/FO, NEA/ELA ALSO FOR IO ACTING A/S HOOK, PDAS WARLICK P FOR DRUSSELL AND RRANGASWAMY USUN FOR KHALILZAD/WOLFF/SCHEDLBAUER NSC FOR ABRAMS/RAMCHAND/YERGER/MCDERMOTT E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/05/2018 TAGS: PREL, PGOV, PTER, PINR, UNSC, SY, LE SUBJECT: LEBANON: UNIIIC COMMISSIONER HAPPY WITH USG ASSISTANCE BUT SEEKS TWO CRIMINAL ANALYSTS REF: BEIRUT 1348 Classified By: Ambassador Michele J. Sison for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). 1. (SBU) This is an action request. See paragraph 10. SUMMARY ------- 2. (S/NF) In an October 3 meeting with the Ambassador, Daniel Bellemare, Commissioner of the UN Independent Investigative Commission (UNIIIC), was generally pleased with USG assistance to date, and repeated a single request: that the USG loan two criminal analysts who would work out of The Hague (reftel). He expressed his flexibility to make this work, stressing that these analysts were his priority. Noting that UNIIIC's mandate will expire at the end of the year, he said the investigation component will not stop. He was feeling the deadline pressure, but remarked that the investigation was moving aggressively. The Special Tribunal budget is awaiting approval by the Management Committee in New York, he reported. He did not yet foresee a problem with approval, but he informed the Ambassador that the UNIIIC budget was short two to three million dollars and he had requested approval for a supplementary budget. The FBI would continue to pay the analysts' salaries, which would be considered a USG contribution, and UNIIIC would cover travel and per diem expenses, he suggested. End summary. INVESTIGATION MOVING ALONG; TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE --------------------------- 3. (S/NF) The Ambassador, accompanied by LegAtt and PolOff, met Daniel Bellemare, Commissioner of the UN Independent Investigative Commission (UNIIIC), at his office in Monteverde on October 3. A confident Bellemare said he felt things are bubbling in his investigation and that his operation was running aggressively like a "police investigation," while noting that time was running out. (Note: UNIIIC's mandate will expire on December 31, 2008. End note.) He expressed a concern about Syria, saying simply, "We are afraid we may run out of witnesses. Time is of the essence, but we do not want to strike prematurely." HAPPY WITH USG ASSISTANCE; REQUESTS CRIMINAL ANALYSTS --------------------------- 4. (S/NF) LegAtt reported that the USG had responded to almost all of the outstanding RFAs, but warned that the FBI may not be able to provide the criminal analysts requested (reftel). Bellemare inquired what was necessary to make these individuals available to UNIIIC. Bellemare proposed that the analysts work out of The Hague, where he said space was not an issue, on a contract basis. The FBI would continue to pay the analysts' salaries, which would be considered a USG contribution, and UNIIIC would cover travel and per diem expenses, he suggested. 5. (S/NF) Appearing satisfied with USG assistance, Bellemare said in reference to previous requests for data-mining analysts, "I would never turn down help. If I have to prioritize, I need the criminal analysts the most." He said he hoped for analysts' assistance as soon as possible, to work until UNIIIC's mandate expires. He inquired whether the clearance for the new UNIIIC Chief of Investigations, Garry James Loeppky, was granted for the Intelligence Community Working Group. 6. (S/NF) While UNIIIC's mandate will expire, he continued, the investigation will not, implying that he would still need many of the analysts currently contracted out to UNIIIC. He noted that he had started contacting organizations to see if they will agree to transfer their contracted personnel to The Hague, to which he had received positive responses. Bellemare said there was a provision in the draft budget for "internal contractors and secondees." BEIRUT 00001451 002 OF 002 PRESS REPORT "UNHELPFUL" ------------------------ 7. (S/NF) Addressing the October 1 al-Anwar article purporting that Bellemare will name 120 suspects in his final report, Bellemare said he had no idea who or how this story was concocted. He explained that he had to have his new spokesperson respond to the press report, though he usually preferred to remain silent. He suggested that the Ambassador could be helpful in letting political figures know that these kinds of articles are unhelpful. 8. (S/NF) He said he had visited President Michel Sleiman and PM Fouad Siniora in the previous month to convey to them that his investigation would not be tied to a political timetable. He added that in the coming two months, UNIIIC investigators would be more visible as they conduct interviews with political figures. AWAITING BUDGET APPROVAL ------------------------ 9. (S/NF) Bellemare said that he had submitted the operating budget to the Special Tribunal's Management Committee, and was now awaiting approval. On UNIIIC's budget, he relayed that currently he was having internal discussions with the new UN comptroller on a supplementary budget because he projected that he will be two or three million dollars short. It was not a problem yet, he said, but he wanted to make the Ambassador aware in case the amount was not approved. He said that he may need USG assistance in pushing for the supplementary budget's approval. ACTION REQUEST -------------- 10. (S/NF) Post requests a response to UNIIIC's request that the USG loan two criminal analysts to interview witnesses, or information on what response is given to Bellemare. End Action Request. SISON VZCZCXRO3042 PP RUEHAG RUEHBC RUEHDE RUEHKUK RUEHROV DE RUEHLB #1348/01 2591418 ZNY SSSSS ZZH P 151418Z SEP 08 FM AMEMBASSY BEIRUT TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 3034 INFO RUEHEE/ARAB LEAGUE COLLECTIVE PRIORITY RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE PRIORITY RHMFISS/CDR USCENTCOM MACDILL AFB FL PRIORITY RUEAIIA/CIA WASHDC PRIORITY RHMFISS/CDR USEUCOM VAIHINGEN GE PRIORITY RUEAWJA/DEPT OF JUSTICE WASHDC PRIORITY RHEHAAA/NSC WASHDC PRIORITY RUCNDT/USMISSION USUN NEW YORK PRIORITY 2905 Content S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 BEIRUT 001348 NOFORN SIPDIS DEPT FOR NEA/FO, NEA/ELA, IO/FO-HOOK, WARLICK, IO/UNP-AMORRISON, L/FO-JBELLINGER, JTHESSIN, L/AN-LJACOBSON, L/UNA-TBUCHWALD, INR/GGI-MARGULIES, CIA/CNC-JFINKEL, JBRODERERICK, CIA/CTC-JBEAN, DOJ-JEVY, USUN-KHALILZAD, WOLFF, SCHEDLBAUER, NSC FOR ABRAMS/RAMCHAND/YERGER/MCDERMOTT E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/12/2018 TAGS: PREL, PTER, PGOV, PINR, UNSC, LE, SY SUBJECT: LEBANON: BELLEMARE ANXIOUS FOR MORE USG ASSISTANCE THAN HE HAS SEEN REF: THE HAGUE 744 Classified By: Ambassador Michele J. Sison for reasons 1.4 (b), (d) SUMMARY ------- 1. (S/NF) In a September 12 meeting with the Ambassador, Daniel Bellemare, Commissioner of the UN Independent International Investigative Commission (UNIIIC) made three specific requests for USG assistance and additional requests for USG action. First, he asked that the USG provide intelligence information that UNIIIC has formally requested. Second, that the USG loan UNIIIC two criminal investigators TDY. UNIIIC needs "investigators who can question a witness" to interview some 200 persons currently in prison who may have some relevant information. Third, that the USG urge the UK to do more to help UNIIIC, particularly with intelligence information (the UK has provided loaned personnel). 2. (S/NF) In addition, Bellemare asked for USG support when the Management Committee considers the Tribunal operating budget on September 25 -- the same day that Lebanese President Sleiman will meet President Bush in Washington. He also raised the prospect of consultations among the P-5 on a new resolution to clarify some legal issues. Finally he repeated earlier requests for a USG reaction to 26 sketches of possible suspects that UNIIIC had given the USG and asked about getting access to alleged Hizballah defectors reportedly in the U.S. 3. (S/NF) On other matters, Bellemare said that the GOL has not asked that UNIIIC investigate the latest political assassination (the September 10 attack on opposition Druze member Saleh Aridi). He is concerned about a new Telecommunication Ministry directive that may impede his plans for using wiretaps. End Summary. GOL HAS NOT ASKED THAT UNIIIC INVESTIGATE LATEST ASSASSINATION -------------------------------- 4. (S/NF) The Ambassador and DCM met on September 12 with Daniel Bellemare, Commissioner of the UN Independent International Investigative Commission (UNIIIC), in his office in Monteverde. The Ambassador asked if UNIIIC would investigate the case of Saleh Aridi, a Druze political official assassinated in a car bomb attack near Beirut on September 10. Bellemare explained that for UNIIIC to take on a case, first the GOL must ask the UN SYG, then the SYG and Security Council must approve. He said that the GOL had shown no indication that it would request that UNIIIC investigate the Aridi killing. UNIIIC is interested in finding out more about the Aridi attack, since details are similar to other cases it is investigating. If it is not invited to investigate but wants information about a case, UNIIIC must submit a request to the Lebanese chief prosecutor. The criteria the GOL uses to decide on requesting UNIIIC assistance is "a mystery to me" Bellemare said. (NOTE: The Aridi assassination is the first of a pro-Syrian politician. END NOTE.) WIRETAPPING ----------- 5. (S/NF) Bellemare was concerned about something he had learned the day before that might affect wiretapping. The Telecommunications Ministry had directed two private telecom companies in Lebanon to inform the Ministry about any requests for wiretapping. He noted that it is well known that the Internal Security Forces (ISF), the national police, conduct wiretapping even though the legal basis for their authority to do so is weak. The Telecom Ministry's move may have been directed against the ISF. The order, however, also could limit the ability of UNIIIC to conduct wiretaps if the phone companies fear that they will have to report those BEIRUT 00001348 002 OF 003 efforts to the Telecommunications Ministry. 6. (S/NF) The Ambassador asked if Bellemare believed the action was targeted at UNIIIC, noting that the new Telecommunications Minister is from the opposition. Bellemare replied that he was not in a position to say. At his meeting with PM Fouad Siniora earlier in the week, on September 8, Siniora told Bellemare to inform him if he runs into any problems with cooperation from government officials. He said he might discuss this with the PM if it looks as if this new telecom directive will be a problem, but first he will meet with officials of the two telecom companies next week. The Ambassador offered to support his efforts at resolving this issue. 7. (S/NF) Bellemare noted that at his August 14 meeting in The Hague with the USG Interagency Working Group (IWG), he had asked for USG help with wiretapping capability. He said that trying to work wiretapping through the Lebanese ISF or military intelligence would be like "putting the names (of targets) in the paper". He explained that UN legal experts were currently looking into the possibility that UNIIIC has legal authority to carry out wiretaps. Beyond legal authority for wiretapping, though, Bellemare said he needs technical capability. ASSISTANCE FROM THE USG ----------------------- 8. (S/NF) Bellemare expressed frustration that USG has not provided more in response to his requests for assistance, and noted that he has discussed this with State Department officials. He outlined three requests for USG assistance for his investigation. -- One, provide intelligence information that UNIIIC has formally requested, or inform him that it cannot be provided, so that he knows not to pursue the requests. -- Two, provide two loaned criminal analysts on TDY. UNIIIC needs "investigators who can question a witness" to interview some 200 persons currently in prison who may have some relevant informtion. -- Three, using USG influence, urge the U government to provide more to UNIIIC, particulaly regarding intelligence information. Bellemare said he has requests in to MI-6, but has not received much. On personnel, Scotland Yard has provided a loaned investigator. 9. (S/NF) Bellemare showed a good understanding of the problems associated with complying with the first two requests from his several meetings with USG officials, but his frustration was nonetheless evident. "You are the key player. If the U.S. doesn't help me, who will?" The USG has "a big investment in the Tribunal" and being more forthcoming on UNIIIC's requests is a way of making that investment pay off, he said. 10. (S/NF) During the meeting, Bellemare made several other requests for USG action: -- USG support when the Committee considers the Tribunal operating budget, scheduled for September 25, the same day that Lebanese President Sleiman will meet President Bush in Washington. He warned that the budget includes high travel costs, but that these are necessary because of the need for frequent travel between the Hague and Lebanon. Bellemare thanked the USG for what he said was a much improved attitude on the part of the Tribunal Management Committee. His requests have been more favorably received than was the case previously. -- He raised the prospect of consultations among the P-5 on a new resolution to clarify some legal issues. He mused about the possibility of getting Chapter VII authority for the BEIRUT 00001348 003 OF 003 Tribunal via such a new resolution, but seemed to think that was not doable in the Council. -- He asked for a reaction to the 26 sketches of possible suspects that UNIIIC had given the USG. -- Finally, he asked about getting access to alleged Hizballah defectors reportedly in the U.S., or a definitive negative response to the request. The answers the USG has given him so far on this subject, he said, have been not sufficiently definitive. INTERVIEWS IN SYRIA ------------------- 11. (S/NF) On this issue, Bellemare repeated what he said in the IWG meeting (reftel): that he did not want to go to Syria until the USG or other sources had provided names of leads he should ask to interview and other information. If Syria denied his request to interview these people, then he would have evidence of Syrian non-cooperation. Just asking would give some indication to others in Syria where his investigation might be headed, which could provoke more cooperation "if I hit the right person." 12. (S/NF) Bellemare emphasized the urgency for responding to his request related to Syria, first, because UNIIIC's mandate and with it Chapter VII authority expires at the end of the year, and second, the importance of conducting the interviews before the interviewees disappear by being killed or other means. OTHER ISSUES: NEW MINISTER OF JUSTICE, UNIIIC PRESS SPOKESPERSON ------------------------------ 13. (C ) Bellemare said he had a very positive impression of new GOL Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar, who had told Bellemare he wanted to be helpful. Najjar's predecessor, Charles Rizk, was a vocal supporter of the Tribunal but also known for public criticisms of Bellemare and the previous Commissioner, Serge Brammertz. Bellemare, a Canadian, noted that Najjar had taught at McGill University in Montreal and they had some mutual acquaintances. 14. (SBU) UNIIIC now has a press spokesperson who started work the week before, Bellemare reported. The official had good relevant experience as the spokesperson for the Yugoslavia Tribunal and most recently for the UN Legal Affairs office. The new spokesperson is currently working up a strategy for UNIIIC's press interaction. 15. (C) Bellemare said he had been advised by several persons to not make statements in public that might be seen as disrupting the current relative calm in Lebanon. He planned to follow that advice, (NOTE: Bellemare traveled to Saudi Arabia September 15, we understand. We will seek further information from UNIIIC contacts. END NOTE.) SISON VZCZCXRO7290 PP RUEHAG RUEHBC RUEHDE RUEHKUK RUEHROV DE RUEHLB #0571/01 1151658 ZNY SSSSS ZZH P 241658Z APR 08 FM AMEMBASSY BEIRUT TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 1655 INFO RUEHEE/ARAB LEAGUE COLLECTIVE RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO 2480 RHMFISS/CDR USCENTCOM MACDILL AFB FL RHEHNSC/NSC WASHDC Content S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 BEIRUT 000571 SIPDIS NOFORN SIPDIS NSC FOR ABRAMS/SINGH/YERGER/GAVITO E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/23/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, PTER, PINR, SY, LE SUBJECT: LEBANON: ANTI-HIZBALLAH SHIA FIGURE TALKS UP FORMER HIZBALLAH SECRETARY GENERAL TUFAYLI REF: A. BEIRUT 456 B. BEIRUT 554 Classified By: CDA Michele J. Sison for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). SUMMARY ------- 1. (C) Independent Shia figure Ahmad Assad argued that former Hizballah Secretary General Subhi Tufayli is "ready" to join forces against Hizballah, but that first he needs to have resolution of criminal charges against him for involvement in the killing of an LAF officer and a French citizen. (Note: Tufayli remains on the USG Terrorist Watch List. End note.) Assad introduced a board member of his anti-Hizballah political party, Amcit Abdallah Bitar, a prominent businessman from Shia-dominated Nabatieh in southern Lebanon. End summary. 2. (C) In preparation for his second trip of the year to the U.S. to garner support for his anti-Hizballah movement, independent Shia figure Ahmad Assad introduced a member of his four-person delegation, Abdallah Bitar, to the Charge on April 23. Bitar, an Amcit, is the head of the Chamber of Commerce in the Shia-dominated city of Nabatieh in southern Lebanon, and recently joined the board of Assad's political party Lebanese Options Group (LOG) (Ref A). DCM and EmbOffs also attended the meeting. FORMER HIZBALLAH SECRETARY GENERAL "READY TO LEAVE" ---------------------------------- 3. (C) Like Lebanese Forces Leader Samir Geagea (ref B), Assad mentioned the name of former Hizballah Secretary General Sheikh Subhi Tufayli, arguing that he is "away from his old rhetoric and ready to leave (his past alliance)" and the U.S. should work with him. Assad explained that Tufayli has been accused of giving orders to kill a Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) officer during the 1990's. Tufayli claims he is innocent and is ready for a trial, Assad said, but his case has been shelved despite an outstanding Lebanese warrant for his arrest. 4. (C) Assad said that several years ago majority leader Saad Hariri had purportedly offered assistance to Tufayli to push the case along, but dropped his efforts, citing French resistance. Saad reportedly told Tufayli to wait until the last French presidential election, but Tufayli has not received a positive response to his appeals from Saad since President Sarkozy took office. 5. (C) Arguing that the U.S. should push the GOL to give Tufayli a trial, Assad said that Tufayli would be a valuable asset in countering Hizballah's influence. He could direct "a few thousand votes" in the Bekaa, Assad predicted, which would be a blow against Hizballah. Assad acknowledged that Tufayli has not yet departed from his anti-U.S. views. (Note: Tufayli remains on the USG Terrorist Watch List. End Note.) HIZBALLAH INFLUENCE IN THE SOUTH -------------------------------- 6. (C) A prominent Shia from Nabatieh, Bitar reported that Iran, through its "Iranian Organization for Rebuilding Lebanon," is busy with improvements in the south, including building streets, parking lots, etc. The organization employs many Lebanese and pays them directly, he added. Bitar explained that people in the south currently have no assistance from the government, and are in need of social services and medical aid. 7. (C) Bitar said he has always communicated with everyone, naming Speaker Nabih Berri and Hizballah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, in particular. He caveated that he has not spoken with Nasrallah in some time. I am not switching sides by joining Assad, he explained, just moving from an apolitical stance to becoming more politically engaged. He noted that Hizballah is currently unhappy with him because of his friendship with Assad. 8. (C) Assad said that he is trying to work on the Shia clerics in Nabatieh to part with Hizballah, but they are BEIRUT 00000571 002 OF 002 afraid in part because their salary is controlled by Hizballah. Moreover, Assad continued, there is internal pressure from the residents to continue supporting Hizballah. He clarified that the Shia won't switch to March 14 if they leave Hizballah, but instead are looking for another Shia movement to support. PUSHING FOR PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION --------------------------------------- 9. (C) Assad said that head of the National Bloc party Carlos Edde (allied with March 14) and a March 14 MP are on his side in terms of advocating for proportional representation in a new electoral law. Assad said they are considering doing a joint press conference, but fear creating friction within the March 14 coalition. COMMENT ------- 10. (S/NF) This is the second time in two days Tufayli's name was passed to us. Assad was vague about Tufayli's exit from Hizballah. We know that Tufayli was expelled in 1998 from the organization and has since tried to rejoin as late as 2005. He was a founding member of Hizballah and served as Hizballah Secretary General from 1989-1991. He is wanted by the SIPDIS Lebanese authorities for killing soldiers and civilians in 1998 clashes. The list of his anti-U.S. rhetoric is long, including praise for the 9/11 attacks and a desire to have participated in the 1983 U.S. Marine barracks bombings. We plan to ask the French about their own interest in Tufayli. Our assessment is that Tufayli would not bring much Shia strength to Ahmed al Assad's organization; indeed, with Tufayli's reputation, legal problems, and reputation for corruption, he would more likely bring discredit. End comment. SISON VZCZCXRO9896 PP RUEHAG RUEHBC RUEHDE RUEHKUK RUEHROV DE RUEHLB #0523/01 1071642 ZNY SSSSS ZZH P 161642Z APR 08 FM AMEMBASSY BEIRUT TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 1544 INFO RUEHEE/ARAB LEAGUE COLLECTIVE RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO 2418 RHMFISS/CDR USCENTCOM MACDILL AFB FL RHEHNSC/NSC WASHDC Content S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 BEIRUT 000523 SIPDIS NOFORN SIPDIS NSC FOR ABRAMS/SINGH/YERGER, STATE FOR NEA/ELA, E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/16/2018 TAGS: PTER, ECPS, PINR, LE, IR, SY SUBJECT: LEBANON: HIZBALLAH GOES FIBER OPTIC REF: BEIRUT 490 Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Michele Sison for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) SUMMARY 1. (S) Requesting a special meeting with Charge, Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamadeh decried the establishment of a complete fiber optics network by Hizballah throughout Lebanon. The GOL has been sharing this information widely among friends of Lebanon, to include the governments of France, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the UAE. Hamadeh sees only two choices for the GOL: approach the UN Security Council, or use the "cover" of March 14-friendly municipalities to cut the lines. However, he questioned whether the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Internal Security Forces (ISF) have the "guts" to do so, given that Hizballah already stated to Lebanese security officials that it would view this as equal to an Israeli act of aggression, and would then take action against the GOL. Hamadeh hopes that Saad Hariri, now in Geneva, will return soon to Lebanon so that March 14 can meet to formulate a strategy. End summary. GOL HAS BEEN SHARING HIZBALLAH FIBER OPTIC MAP, REPORT WIDELY ------------- 2. (S) &Iran Telecom is taking over the country!8 were the first words out of the mouth of Minister of Telecommunications Marwan Hamadeh when he met with Charge and Econoff on April 16. He was referring to the discovery of a complete fiber optic system (FiOS) installed by Hizballah throughout Lebanon - reftel. In addition, Hizballah has introduced Wi-Max in Beirut's southern suburbs. Hamadeh pointed out that although Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) television had run a story the previous night about the Hizballah FiOS network, it was already widely known. The LBC story was not planted by the GOL, nor planned, but in Hamadeh's opinion it was no bad thing to get the story out there. Hamadeh himself has been sharing the news both within the GOL and outside, with &friends,8 which includes the Arab countries, the U.S., France (Sarkozy was &stunned") and Terje Roed-Larsen of the UN. He briefed Bernard Kouchner, Jean-David Levitte, Boris Bouillon and Michel Barnier while in Paris. In Beirut he spoke to Charge Andre Parent of France and Ambassador Abdul Aziz Khoja of Saudi Arabia. Saad Hariri, when he heard, sent a private plane from Saudi Arabia to pick up a copy of the map, which traces in detail the route of the system, to share with Saudi King Abdullah and Intelligence Chief Prince Mukrin bin Abdul-Aziz. PM Siniora briefed the Jordanians and Emiratis, as well as Arab League SYG Amr Musa on the network during his recent trip around the region, Hamadeh confirmed. Within Lebanon Hamadeh says that the first person he told, after the Prime Minister and Druze leader Walid Jumblatt was Maronite Patriarch Sfeir. Hamadeh described the strategic implications of the Hizballah plan, which he says is targeting the Christian areas, despite a denial of that by Hizballah. In addition to Hamadeh and PM Siniora, Druze leader Walid Jumblatt and Defense Minister Michel Murr have been active in the GL information campaign on the network. INTERFERENCE IN TELECOMS LINKED TO NETWORK ----------------- 3. (S) While the confrontation over the FiOS system was taking place with Hizballah, mobile telecommunications were being subject to interference by Syria in the north, Israel in the south and possibly by the UN at sea, according to Hamadeh. The information about Israeli interference was passed &unofficially8 by UNIFIL, since, in a recurring complaint by Hamadeh during the conversation, the LAF has not reported any problems officially. The Syrian interference is similar to that occurring during the Nahr al-Barid fighting, and highlights the ability of the Syrians to communicate within Lebanon through non-Lebanese mobile systems. Because the system in the part of Syria bordering on northern Lebanon is a private company, MTM, Hamadeh believes that they offer political cover to the Syrian government, who he nevertheless believes is behind the problem. Hamadeh views these events as part of the same strategic interference in Lebanon, both internally and externally. Hamadeh has a map that delineates BEIRUT 00000523 002 OF 004 the interference, in an arc that runs from the north to the south of Lebanon. MARCH 14 NEEDS TO MEET, BUT SAAD SHOULD BE THERE ------------------------ 4. (S) Hamadeh said that he, the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Elias Murr are all danger, but he and Murr will take the biggest risk in exposing the Hizballah FiOS network. Hamadeh told the PM that he could not assume the risk alone for a showdown with Hizballah. He also used the risk of physical harm as a deterrent with Jumblatt, who wanted to hold a press conference to expose the Hizballah system. Hamadeh believes that this is a March 14 issue, and cannot be resolved without the participation of Saad Hariri. Hamadeh complained that there has not yet been either a March 14 meeting or a cabinet meeting to discuss this matter. He says he asked for such discussions in a meeting with PM Siniora April 15, and will raise it again when they meet April 16. Hamadeh also discussed the issue with Larsen, whom he met with recently in Paris, although he did not give Larsen the map. If the GOL decides to raise the issue with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) he will then provide the map, said Hamadeh. HIZBALLAH RESPONSE - DON'T TOUCH! -------------- 5. (S) Hamadeh reported that LAF G-2 Brigadier General Georges Khoury and ISF Major General Ashraf Rifi saw Wafiq Safa, the Hizballah liaison to the Lebanese intelligence services, together. Khoury asked Safa to take down two parts of the network as a first step; Safa refused. Safa stated that the network is part of Hizballah's ability to defend Lebanon, and that Hizballah would regard any attack on the network as an act of aggression. However, PM Siniora only got a written report from Khoury ten days after the meeting, Hamadeh complained. Even then, the report was unsigned and thus returned to Khoury for signature. According to their report, Hizballah argued that the PM, Hamadeh and Murr are only raising the issue of the FiOS system in order to bring up the issue of Hizballah weapons. Safa stated categorically that the FiOS system is not up for discussion because it is a key part of the Hizballah arsenal. Safa freely acknowledged to Rifi and Khoury that the network exists. It could only be discussed as part of a defense strategy, he said, adding that the network has no commercial or trade implications. He maintained that it does not penetrate the Christian areas. HIZBALLAH ASSERTIONS UNTRUE ----------------- 6. (S) Hamadeh believes both Hizballah assertions to be untrue. He refutes the Hizballah claim that the system exists solely to give them defensive communications throughout the country, saying that there are "centrales" or hubs in many villages along the route, and no doubt these have lines running off to other villages and residences. He also believes that Hizballah crews are only waiting for the snows in the Christian regions of Metn and Kswaran to melt before completing penetration of these regions from the east. WORK DONE UNDER VARIOUS FORMS OF COVER ----------------- 7. (S) To complete the installations and at the same time stay below the radar, Hamadeh says that Hizballah has used the municipalities to issue local permits. For example, in Sidon they are working under the cover provided by Abdel Rahman Bizri, the mayor. In another case the Ministry of Energy issued a permit for work that was "to reinforce energy lines," although Hamadeh says that was clearly not true. Hamadeh says that the whole of the Bekaa valley was done with local permits, and installations were done by different groups, each unaware of what the others were doing. However, he also says that some of the work was done with the knowledge of resigned Minister of Energy Fneish, a Hizballah member. DISCOVERY AND REPORT -------------------- 8. (S) The first official report was from the region of BEIRUT 00000523 003 OF 004 Chouifat, which reported installation of an unknown fiber optic system, and asked the Minister of the Interior to stop it. No one did anything because, in Hamadeh's opinion, they "had no guts." At the time of the earlier exposure of the Hizballah telephone lines running through Beirut, and even along the wall of the French embassy, the GOL asked Hizballah to remove those lines, which Hizballah did, and Hamadeh said that he believed at the time that would be the end of the network in the south. The full Ministry of Telecommunications report on the system was compiled by engineers in the ministry and others, including Shia engineers from the south, who Hamadeh believes could be in great danger because of the report. Once again Hamadeh pointed out that there were no official reports yet from ISF Major General Rifi or LAF G-2 Brigadier General Khoury. FUNDING FROM IRAN ----------------- 9. (S) The current installations, as per the map Hamadeh has given us, shows lines running from Beirut, around both sides of the airport, into the south below the Litani and back up through the Bekaa valley to the far north. It covers the Palestinian camps, and the Hizballah training camps in the Bekaa, and is penetrating deep into the Christian Metn and Ksarwan areas. Although Hamadeh says he has &a few names,8 he did not list the companies who are responsible for the installation, but said that information would be made available shortly. He cited the Iranian Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon as the source of the funding. This same group has been rebuilding roads and bridges since the July 2006 war with Israel, and has been accused before of installing telecommunications lines in parallel with new roads. Hamadeh said that he wants to get the list of companies involved and black list them with the GOL. STRATEGIC VICTORY ----------------- 10. (S) Hamadeh highlights the system as a strategic victory for Iran, since it creates an important Iranian outpost in Lebanon, bypassing Syria. He sees the value for the Iranians as strategic, rather than technical or economic. The value for Hizballah is the final step in creating a nation state. Hizballah now has an army and weapons; a television station; an education system; hospitals; social services; a financial system; and a telecommunications system. As a sign of its confidence Hizballah official Safa told Khoury and Rifi that any move against the FiOS system would be taken as "an Israeli attack" and dealt with accordingly. When Khoury and Rifi pointed out that the people in the area might not accept this and might show hostility to Hizballah in this case, Safa replied, "We don't care; we will accept hostile reactions." At that point, according to Hamadeh, the GOL decided it needed to inform its friends and make a decision on the next steps to be taken. HAMADEH PREPARES INTERNAL CAMPAIGN ----------------- 11. (S) Meanwhile, Hamadeh is preparing a "very strong" internal campaign. This campaign, he said, has the potential to "destroy" Aoun and mobilize Christians, as well as influence those Shia who are already beginning to worry about Hizballah. He is waiting for a March 14 meeting to discuss this campaign. Saad has apparently traveled to London and Geneva this week, and is expected to be back in Riyadh by 4/20. Saad has been out of Lebanon for some several weeks and it is not known when he will return. Hamadeh sees only two choices for the GOL: approach the UN Security Council directly, or take on Hizballah by cutting lines. But do the Lebanese security forces have the "guts" for that, or are they frightened by Safa's statement that those actions would be considered an act of aggression, he wonders. 12. (S) Comment: Last year, when Hamadeh's telecommunications ministry "discovered" the well-known Hizballah telephone system, including the line strung along the wall of the French embassy, he maintained that the GOL would not tolerate the erosion of its "last monopoly" by Hizballah, However, aside from the ceremonial cutting of the French embassy line, there was no further action. This time around, it appears that by sharing as widely as possible the details of the plan, the GOL may hope that someone else will take on the challenge. End cmment. BEIRUT 00000523 004 OF 004 SISON VZCZCXYZ1697 PP RUEHWEB DE RUEHLB #0331/01 0641613 ZNY SSSSS ZZH P 041613Z MAR 08 FM AMEMBASSY BEIRUT TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 1187 INFO RUEHEE/ARAB LEAGUE COLLECTIVE RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO 2284 RHMFISS/CDR USCENTCOM MACDILL AFB FL RHEHNSC/NSC WASHDC Content S E C R E T BEIRUT 000331 SIPDIS NOFORN SECRET SIPDIS SIPDIS NSC FOR ABRAMS/SINGH/GAVITO DEPT FOR NEA/FO, IO/FO DEPT PLEASE PASS TO EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE OVP FOR HANNAH/KAREM E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/03/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, PTER, SY, LE SUBJECT: LEBANON: GEAGEA PROPOSES REVAMPING GOVERNMENT WITH CHRISTIAN MINISTERS Classified By: CDA Michele J. Sison for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). SUMMARY ------- 1. (C) Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea conveyed his thoughts to the Charge on the political impasse shortly before departing on his three-week trip to the U.S. He believes Lebanon should boycott the March 29-30 Arab League summit in Damascus if no president is elected. At a minimum, the summit should be held outside of Syria. On the electoral law -- one of the obstacles to reaching an agreement on the Arab League initiative -- Geagea pressed for proportional representation, explaining that such a system would benefit the March 14 Christians and weaken both Hizballah strongholds and Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun's bloc. 2. (C) Proposing that March 14 enlarge its reach, Geagea said he wanted to join forces with non-Hizballah Shia, and in particular, Ahmad Assad, leader of Lebanon Intimaa ("Belonging"), an anti-Hizballah "third way Shia" political movement. Geagea is still proposing to elect a president with a half plus one majority, but, acknowledging the proposal's lack of support, he advocated revamping Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's government by replacing current ministers in key positions with Christians. End summary. 3. (C) The Charge, accompanied by PolOff, met with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on March 4, days before he departs on a three-week trip to the U.S. Geagea advisors Elie Khoury and Joseph Nehme attended the meeting. BOYCOTT THE ARAB LEAGUE SUMMIT ------------------------------ 4. (C) Geagea opposed what he believes is Saudi Arabia's current position on attendance at the March 29-30 Arab League summit in Damascus: Saudi Arabia will attend if Syria invites Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's government. Instead, Geagea wants Lebanon and Saudi Arabia to condition attendance on the election of a president in Lebanon, a position he believes Druze leader Walid Jumblatt (with whom, we note, Geagea is often at odds) would support. At a minimum, Geagea wants the summit to be held outside of Syria, as an extraordinary summit, so that it is not under Syrian leadership. Geagea believes that Siniora would accept the invitation if extended. However, he questions whether Syria would invite only Siniora, who is Sunni, suspecting that Damascus would include Shia Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, in order to avoid giving the impression that Syria recognizes the Siniora government. MARCH 14 REJECTS MOUSSA'S LATEST IDEA ------------------------------------- 5. (C) Geagea reported that it was not clear whether Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa would return to Beirut this week. He explained that Moussa's latest proposal to majority leader Saad Hariri was to elect a president, then form a national unity government in which the prime minister is not from March 14, an idea which March 14 promptly rejected. PRESSING FOR PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION ---------------------------------------- 6. (C) Revisiting Moussa's most recent attempt at negotiations, Geagea said electoral reform remains an obstacle, even within March 14. Geagea is calling for proportional representation, a system he argues would advantage March 14 Christians and break Hizballah strongholds. Moreover, he added, proportional representation would divide Free Patriotic Movement Michel Aoun's opposition bloc by at least 50 percent. Another advantage could be the election of March 14 Shia MPs, he posited. However, he acknowledged, some of Saad Hariri's MPs may lose and Jumblatt would need convincing, and requested that the U.S. urge them to support proportional representation. (Note: Berri told Charge in their February 25 meeting that he favored proportional representation, although he advocated one large electoral district, whereas Geagea favors small districts. End note.) ALLYING WITH NON-HIZBALLAH SHIA ------------------------------- 7. (C) Charge, having just met earlier in the day with Ahmad Assad (septel), leader of Lebanon Intimaa ("Belonging"), an anti-Hizballah political movement, inquired about Geagea's relationship with him. Geagea responded that he has good relations with Assad (who also supports proportional representation, he noted) and that he was interested in bringing him into the March 14 alliance. Claiming that Assad is best positioned to lead a large Shia coalition, Geagea sees potential in Assad but remarked that he needed funding. He cautioned that Saad is opposed to Assad, in part because the Saudis (Saad's allies) do not want to be at loggerheads with Hizballah. Therefore, Geagea concluded, any U.S. support for Assad should be kept quiet. According to Geagea, when Assad ran for parliament as an independent, he received 15-20 percent of the votes cast in his district. (Note: we are skeptical; our information is that he received far fewer. End note.) 8. (C) Other potential Shia include Labor Minister Trad Hamadeh's family and independent journalist Okab Saqr. That was the extent of the possibilities, claimed Geagea. Geagea said the U.S. aid to southern Lebanon was not successful at shifting residents' allegiance away from Hizballah, and therefore U.S. aid should go to Assad, in the south, as well as to Christians in the north. REVAMP THE GOVERNMENT WITH CHRISTIAN MINISTERS -------------------------- 9. (C) Looking at the political impasse today, Geagea sees three scenarios: 1) Status quo continues; 2) March 14 elect a president with a half plus one majority; or 3) Revamp the cabinet by placing Christians into key ministerial posts. Geagea, still supporting the half plus one option, recognizes that it is a risky move that lacks the necessary support at this time. He suggested revamping the cabinet and putting three representative Christians into important ministerial posts such as Interior, Education, and Economy. As some of these slots are currently filled by technocrats, Geagea argued that since Lebanon is not really doing much as a government these days, it does not need technical skills, but rather symbolically important Christian representation. "Now it is seen as a Hariri government; we want it to be seen as a March 14 government," Geagea explained. USS COLE: THE U.S. IS IN A BIND ------------------------------- 10. (C) "You put yourself in big trouble," warned Geagea referring to the presence of the USS Cole off Lebanon's coast. He reasoned that if someone were to try something, the U.S. will look bad if it does not react. Conversely, he said, if the U.S. reacts, he is reminded of 1983. The U.S. cannot sit idle, nor can it retreat at this point. He suggested the U.S. could be more supportive if it imposed a travel embargo on Syria, preventing all airlines from flying in and out of Syria. Geagea opined that the Europeans would be more amenable to an embargo after Imad Mugniyeh's assassination, which provided the smoking gun to the world that Syria harbors terrorists. 11. (S/NF) Geagea also provided the Charge with unconfirmed intelligence describing an Iranian delivery to Syria of 15 submarines. Information was passed to DAO. COMMENT ------- 12. (C) We were surprised to hear about what appears to be Geagea's relatively developed relationship with Assad and to spot a copy of "The Shia Revival" by Vali Nasr on his desk. Geagea and Berri's shared preference for proportional representation is also interesting. End comment. SISON VZCZCXRO1305 OO RUEHAG RUEHBC RUEHDE RUEHKUK RUEHROV DE RUEHLB #0264 0501231 ZNY SSSSS ZZH O 191231Z FEB 08 FM AMEMBASSY BEIRUT TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 1059 INFO RUEHEE/ARAB LEAGUE COLLECTIVE PRIORITY RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE PRIORITY RUEHAD/AMEMBASSY ABU DHABI PRIORITY 0743 RUEHDM/AMEMBASSY DAMASCUS PRIORITY 3684 RUEHROV/AMEMBASSY VATICAN PRIORITY 1081 RHMFISS/HQ USEUCOM VAIHINGEN GE PRIORITY RUCNDT/USMISSION USUN NEW YORK PRIORITY 1972 RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO PRIORITY 2240 RHEHNSC/NSC WASHDC PRIORITY RHMFISS/CDR USCENTCOM MACDILL AFB FL PRIORITY Content S E C R E T BEIRUT 000264 SIPDIS NOFORN SIPDIS NSC FOR ABRAMS/SINGH/YERGER, TREASURY FOR U/S LEVEY E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/18/2019 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, PTER, PARM, PHUM, PINR, SY, IS, LE SUBJECT: LEBANON: HARIRI PROVIDES ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE ON MAKLOUF, SHAWKAT FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS REF: A. BEIRUT 215 B. DAMASCUS 70 Classified By: Charge d'Affaires, a.i. Michele J. Sison for Reasons: Se ction 1.4 (b) and (d). 1. (S/NF) In the course of a February 11 meeting with the Charge (Ref A), majority leader Saad Hariri and advisor Ghattas Khoury provided anecdotal information regarding alleged financial transactions of Rami Maklouf and Syrian Directory of Military Intelligence Asef Shawket. They alleged that Maklouf had assisted Syrian President Bashar Asad in moving funds out of Syria to Dubai. Most of the money was funneled through the Damascus airport he said. Maklouf also allegedly owns a hotel in Romania and other real estate in Dubai. Shawkat reportedly facilitated the transfer of $50 million from Qatar in Free Patriotic Movement leader General Michel Aoun's OTV, in the names of Aoun's daughters. 2. (S/NF) As they have before, Hariri and Khoury urged that the USG designate Maklouf and Shawkat as a means of punishing Syria for it's interference in Lebanon and because their activities promote corruption. SISON VZCZCXRO9473 PP RUEHAG RUEHBC RUEHDE RUEHKUK RUEHROV DE RUEHLB #0251/01 0461248 ZNY SSSSS ZZH P 151248Z FEB 08 FM AMEMBASSY BEIRUT TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 1037 INFO RHEHNSC/NSC WASHDC PRIORITY RUEHEE/ARAB LEAGUE COLLECTIVE RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE RUCNDT/USMISSION USUN NEW YORK 1960 RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO 2228 RHMFISS/CDR USCENTCOM MACDILL AFB FL RHEHNSC/NSC WASHDC Content S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 BEIRUT 000251 SIPDIS NOFORN SIPDIS NSC FOR ABRAMS/SINGH/HARDING E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/12/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, UNSC, PTER, SY, IS, LE SUBJECT: LEBANON: PM GRATEFUL TO RECEIVE PRESIDENT'S STRONG LETTER OF SUPPORT REF: BEIRUT 00175 Classified By: Ambassador Michele J. Sison for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). Summary -------- 1. (C) Under Secretary of Defense Edelman delivered the President's personal letter to Prime Minister Fouad Siniora during their meeting in Beirut on February 12. The Prime Minister was grateful for the letter, saying he was pleased to see such "strong and firm support on many important issues." The Prime Minister reached out directly to KSA officials, who informed him that the Saudi contribution for the Special Tribunal "had likely already happened." The Prime Minister asked for the international community to join together for clear and united statements of support for the March 14th majority and immediate presidential elections. He asked for additional economic support and called recent Israeli actions along the southern border unhelpful. Finally, he acknowledged that the Palestinian refugee camps still present a security challenge. He asked for international donors to support the reconstruction of the Nahr al-Barid camp in order to provide "a new model for camps in Lebanon. End Summary. Grateful for the President's Letter ----------------------------- 2. (C) Prime Minister Siniora paused at the opening of his February 11 meeting with Ambassador and USD/P Eric Edelman to carefully read the text of the personal letter from the President that Edelman had just handed to him. The PM acknowledged that the letter was coming at an important time, as March 14th prepares to commemorate the third anniversary of PM Rafik Hariri's assassination on February 14. 3. (C) The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude for the letter and said that he had no doubt about the President's personal commitment to Lebanon. However, he was anxious to "move forward with a literal translation of this support on the ground," mentioning the need for continued support for Lebanon's military and the Special Tribunal. PM Reaches Out to KSA Officials for Tribunal Funding Update ----------------------------- 4. (C) During his last meeting with the Ambassador (reftel), the Prime Minister said he would follow up personally with the KSA for contributions to the Special Tribunal. When asked by the Ambassador for an update on his efforts, he said that he had personally spoken with Prince Saud al Faisal, the KSA Foreign Minister, about the issue and sent a reminder on February 11. With the U.S. delegation still in the room, he phoned Saudi Prince Bandar for an update. At the conclusion of the conversation, he told us that "The Saudis want to do this, but they want to do it without noise." He did not elaborate on this comment. 5. (C) He also took a call from Prince Mukrin bin Abdel al Aziz, Director of Saudi General Intelligence. At the end of this conversation, Siniora told us that he had been told that the Saudi transfer of funds had "most likely already occurred." Siniora asked Prince Mukrin for his assistance in following up on the pledges from both the Kuwait and the UAE. (Note: After this meeting, DCM spoke with Hariri senior advisor, Ghattas Khoury, who said that Saad Hariri planned to personally call Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Zayed on the evening of February 12 to urge formal and rapid tranfer of their donations into the UN Special Tribunal accounts. End Note.) Lebanese Majority Has Already Compromised Too Much -------------------------------- 6. (C) As it had been four months since his last conversation with Ambassador Edelman, PM Siniora provided an overview of recent events "to put things in a Lebanese perspective." He said the majority has already sacrificed and compromised too much. They have shelved the right to use their "50 plus 1" majority to elect a president and they have agreed to support a presidential candidate who comes from outside of their own BEIRUT 00000251 002 OF 003 cadre of March 14th loyalists. The Prime Minister pointed out that March 14th had gone along with the French initiative and said, "We were let down." 7. (C) Siniora reiterated that the opposition still insisted on obtaining veto power in the new government and they were holding the presidential election hostage until their demand was met. "We want the blackmail to end," emphasized Siniora. Lebanon Needs Allies to Speak with One Voice ------------------------------ 8. (C) In Siniora's opinion, the many "sidebar" consultations with Syria to date have failed to produce meaningful results. "The Syrians are masters at seeing light between the cracks and playing allies against each other. If the Syrians can see any room for negotiation, they will bring a situation to the brink in pursuit of the best possible deal for themselves. We have to stop the blackmail and escalating accusations. Dialogue should not take the form of violence in the streets - nobody wants that." 9. (C) Siniora would like the Arabs, Europeans, Russians and Americans to deliver one coordinated message to the Syrians, which he admitted is difficult to do. He emphasized the potential for Russia to play a positive role, stating that they had perhaps the greatest ability to influence internal decision-making in both Syria and Iran. Siniora was pleased with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Saltanov's statement earlier this week which contained clear language calling for an immediate election in Lebanon. King Abdullah had been in Moscow earlier this week and reported to Siniora that Lebanon had been an agenda item during his meetings at the Kremlin. 10. (C) Siniora also confirmed that Lebanon had not yet received an invitation from Syria to the March Arab League Summit in Damascus, although it is clear that there is no way for Syria to get around the issue of Lebanon's participation. The PM doubts that Syria will invite him to participate as head of state, despite the fact that he is currently carrying out executive functions in accordance with the Lebanese constitution. The alternative is that there will be an empty seat behind the Lebanese flag on the table during the meeting. Neither option seems palatable to Arab League member states, Siniora said. GOL Needs Assistance to Face Challenges ------------------------------ 11. (S/NF) Siniora said that he would shortly be traveling to Kuwait, London, Paris and Berlin to seek additional political and economic assistance for Lebanon. He also said he had approached the KSA and UAE, but told us in a resigned tone, "I've spoken to them and visited them frequently. These things take time." He wondered aloud if these allies were starting to become ashamed of helping Lebanon. "Well, we are not," Ambassador Edelman emphasized. He told the Prime Minister that he would be discussing with Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Murr a new USG donation of USD 7.4 million in additional military assistance. He would also be providing the first results of some new intelligence sharing and proposing ways to build on existing LAF training programs for future cooperative programs. 12. (C) Prime Minister Siniora shared that he had a good working relationship with both the World Bank and the IMF, proudly telling us that the GOL was exceeding expectations despite the current challenges it faces. Siniora, a former Finance Minister, then launched into some statistics. The rising price of oil has hit Lebanon hard and the GOL, which subsidizes electricity production, is losing USD 1.2 billion per year. After Paris III, the GOL also agreed to reduce import taxes and Siniora said that they have to contend with USD 600 million per year on lost fuel excise taxes. He said he has been speaking with two countries to arrange for less expensive oil purchasing agreements. Kuwait has agreed to sell Lebanon oil at the same price it sells to the U.S., which Siniora claims "is not cheap." Siniora also plans to dispatch a delegation to Iraq to negotiate a purchase of crude oil which could be shipped to Lebanon via Turkey. "Syrians Use Sheba'a Farms to Justify the Presence of BEIRUT 00000251 003 OF 003 Hizballah" ----------------------------- 13. (C) The Prime Minister also raised one of his frequent talking points -- the need to find a resolution for the Sheba'a Farms issue. He asked the USG to "do something helpful. Don't make us have to deal with the Syrians to find a solution for this. They like having this bleeding wound on the border. They use it to justify the preence of Hizballah." Israelis "Not Helpful" forStability in Lebanon ---------------------------- 14. (C) Ambassador Edelman mentioned that he would shortly be meeting with Israeli interlocutors who, in general, respected the work of the Siniora government given the current difficult challenges that it faces. Siniora said Israeli actions continued to exacerbate tensions in southern Lebanon, specifically highlighting the continued illegal overflights, the lack of cooperation in identifying the location of cluster munitions from the 2006 war, and the recent kidnapping of shepherds and shooting death by IDF forces firing into Lebanese territory. He also said that Israeli representatives were "unhelpful" in UN-led border coordination meetings, especially on border demarcation issues. According to Siniora, all of these tiny things combined to put great pressure on the GOL's ability to maintain stability in southern Lebanon. Palestinian Camps Still Sources of Trouble --------------------------- 15. (C) In response to Ambassador Edelman's request for information about the Ayn al Hulwah Palestinian refugee camp, the Prime Minister acknowledged that this and other camps continue to be sources of trouble. The Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) have been able to exert some control in the camps and to make offenders aware of the GOL's determination to maintain order, but the PM said the camps are still, in reality, microstates. 16. (C) When asked how the GOL would address this issue, the Prime Minister responded by saying that a new model for camps was needed in Lebanon. He called on international donors to contribute to the rebuilding of the Nahr al-Barid refugee camp. "We must show the people progress and give them a sense of hope for a better future. We paid a terrible price to gain control of that camp. We have to make it mean something." Conclusion ---------- 17. (C) The Prime Minister ended that meeting by telling Ambassador Edelman that the current political crisis was "bigger than Lebanon." He said that, if not resolved quickly, the Lebanese model will have profound implications on "societal openess in the rest of the region. SISON VZCZCXRO8413 PP RUEHAG RUEHBC RUEHDE RUEHKUK RUEHROV DE RUEHLB #0237/01 0451656 ZNY SSSSS ZZH P 141656Z FEB 08 FM AMEMBASSY BEIRUT TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 1008 INFO RUEHEE/ARAB LEAGUE COLLECTIVE RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE RUEHNO/USMISSION USNATO 2226 RHMFISS/CDR USCENTCOM MACDILL AFB FL RHEHNSC/NSC WASHDC Content S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 BEIRUT 000237 SIPDIS NOFORN SIPDIS NSC FOR ABRAMS/SINGH/YERGER E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/14/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, IS, KPAL, LE SUBJECT: LEBANON: THEORIES ABOUT MUGHNIEH'S ASSASSINATION REF: TD 314-011416-08 Classified By: DCM William Grant for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). SUMMARY -------- 1. (C) Two days after the February 12 Damascus car bomb attack that killed senior Hizballah commander Imad Mughnieh, theories abound in Beirut on who was behind the assassination and why. The timing of the killing also cannot be ignored, occurring just two days before the third anniversary of the assassination of former PM Rafiq Hariri and a March 14 commemorative rally in downtown Beirut. With tensions in Lebanon already high -- and both sides hardening their positions -- due to the ongoing political impasse, many Lebanese are predicting that Lebanon will pay the price for Mughnieh's death. 2. (C) The assassination of a figure who was an icon for the Lebanese Shia resistance, but one of the U.S.' and Israel's most sought after terrorist fugitives, raises questions about who wanted Mughnieh dead now, and why. While most regional finger pointing is directed at Israel, with the U.S. coming a close second, several local political and intelligence sources believe the Syrian regime had good reasons to rid itself of Mughnieh. 3. (C) As the Hizballah controlled southern suburbs of Beirut are in deep mourning for the February 14 burial of one of their own, reaction from members of the pro-government March 14 bloc ranges from private satisfaction to the sober condolence statement issued by Future Movement leader Saad Hariri. However, the possibility that March 14 could have been involved has also surfaced in the rumor mill. There is widespread concern that retaliation will not be good for Lebanon. End summary. CONCURRENT MAJORITY AND OPPOSITION MEMORIALS ----------------------- 4. (C) On a dreary and wet February 14 afternoon Hizballah buried its hero, Imad Mughnieh, in a mass funeral service that included speeches by Hizballah SYG Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki. A few hours earlier, and just a short drive from Mughnieh's funeral, the pro-government March 14 bloc held a mass rally in Martyrs' Square commemorating the third anniversary of the assassination of former PM Rafiq Hariri. The mass gathering of March 14 supporters (claims of attendance ranged from 100,000 to a million supporters) was an attempt to re-energize the majority's base and regain the political initiative against the opposition. Nasrallah vowed "open war" with the "Zionists," pledging to carry out operations against Israel outside of Lebanon in retaliation for Mughnieh's death. The speechmaking at the peaceful March 14 rally focused on the need for Lebanese "consensus and agreement," and the immediate election of a president. Among the many speakers, only Druse leader Walid Jumblatt came out tough on Syria and its opposition allies, vowing that Lebanon will not be "handed to Damascus or to the black Syrian-Iranian world." MARCH 14'S PUBLIC CONDEMNATION: MORE THAN CROCODILE TEARS? ------------------------- 5. (C) On February 13, March 14 leader MP Saad Hariri publicly denounced Mughnieh's assassination and offered his condolences to Hizballah SYG Hassan Nasrallah. In an LBCI television interview the same day, Hariri agreed with Hizballah's accusation that Israel was behind the killing. However, Hariri also hinted at a Syrian role when he noted that Mughnieh was killed in Damascus, near an Iranian school, and in an area controlled by Syrian intelligence. 6. (C) The day of the assassination. March 14 SYG Fares Suaid spoke of Mughnieh's death as though it were a lesson for Hizballah. Namely, Hizballah should realize that its only protector and guarantor is the Lebanese state and the Lebanese army and not/not the Syrian security apparatus and its arsenal. 7. (C) Meanwhile Druse leader and March 14 member Walid Jumblatt, believes that either the Israelis, for obvious BEIRUT 00000237 002 OF 002 reasons, or the Syrians, for reasons unknown, eliminated Mughnieh. In any case, Jumblatt, candid as usual, called Mughnieh's death "good news." 8. (C) A number of majority politicians, including former Lebanese Ambassador to the U.S. Simon Karam and National Liberal Party leader Dory Chamoun, believe Syria liquidated Moughnieh as a "gift to the Americans." Both hoped that the deal will not turn out to be at Lebanon's expense. 9. (C) Minister of the Interior Hassan Sabaa told Ambassador that he was relieved that Mughnieh was not killed on Lebanese soil, otherwise March 14 would have been accused of conspiring with Israel against Hizballah. Sabaa, undecided as to the identity of the perpetrator, commented it could be Syria wanting to send a message to Hizballah or to the U.S., or even the result of a split within Hizballah. He, too, expressed concern that Lebanon could pay a price in case the message was directed to the U.S. as reminder that the U.S should deal with Syria over the presidential election and Hizballah. 10. (C) Another theory in the Beirut rumor mill has it that the Saudis and the Hariri family collaborated with Syrian Sunni jihadis to deal a blow to the opposition and their allies Syria and Iran. This idea is based on previous allegations that Saad Hariri and Saudi Arabia were involved in arming Sunni militants in an effort to counter Hizballah. ISF OFFICIALS SEE BASHAR'S HAND ------------------------------- 11. (S/NF) Mid-level officials from Lebanese Internal Security Forces (ISF) told emboffs they believe Syrian forces affiliated with President Bashar al-Asad may be responsible for the assassination in an effort to force a compromise in the ongoing political impasse by lessening pressure on Syria (Ref A). The officials further speculated that the attack would be a severe blow to Hizballah, leading to extensive confusion and lack of cohesion. They attribute their assessment to alleged tension between al-Asad and his military intelligence chief Asef Shawkat resulting from a disagreement between the spouses of the two men. The ISF officials further noted that al-Asad was becoming increasingly independent, sidelining previously trusted advisors such as Shawkat. SOME OPPOSITION OBSERVERS DOUBT ISRAELI "GUILT" ------------------------- 12. (C) While most observers in the Lebanese opposition rallied behind Hizballah's accusation against Israel, Aoun-bloc MP Ghassan Mokheiber noted privately to emboffs that it was bizarre that Moughnieh was killed after stepping out of a Syrian intelligence office, adding that Mughnieh's death represented a big challenge for Hizballah. Mokheiber commented that the days ahead would probably reveal the nature of a possible "deal" made. SISON |