With tears in their eyes and flowers in their hands people paid tribute to their national hero. Sad at the loss, which can not be compensated yet pride was all over their faces,sacrificed their son of the soil. His was a death for a noble cause of dying for one's own country. Such men are not born everyday, they belong to the rare class of humanity, who are an example in themselves, and they are the ones who set precedents. And they themselves are unprecedented.
Monday, April 16, 2012
'For Saudi Arabia, Israel is turning from friend to an even deeper friendship....'
"Saudi Defense Minister, Prince Salman, was the guest last week of his American counterpart Leon Panetta and, in an unusual step, was also hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama. On the agenda: Iran and the unrest in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia's neighbor and the headquarters of the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, the American naval power in the Persian Gulf.The number 3 man in the Saudi ruling house could soon move to the top. He is young and healthy - everything is relative - compared to his half-brother, King Abdullah, 89, and Crown Prince Nayef, 79. The Americans have been working hard for many years to foster ties with the Saudi security forces. The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, headed from 2001 to 2003 a delegation of advisors to the Saudi National Guard. A thin veneer of stability purchased with oil money covers a well that threatens to swallow a thousand wealthy princes. In a population of 27 million people, 5.5 million do not have Saudi citizenship. The unemployment rate among young people in the kingdom is 30 percent and the literacy rate is only 80 percent. That is the background to the interesting message directed at Israel through an article published by a Saudi general in the American military magazine Joint Force Quarterly. Since a senior officer, a brigadier general in the royal family, does not pretend not to have the authority to reflect the conservative stand of the regime and does not publish for his own amusement statements and conclusions with diplomatic significance, it seems that Saudi Arabia is thus hesitatingly and conditionally courting Israel.
The condition: that there be movement toward an agreement in the spirit of that promoted by Saudi King Abdullah. If Israel moves in this direction, he wrote as long as a decade ago, Saudi Arabia must express willingness for peace with Israel and influence the rest of the Arab world in this direction. This time he went one step further. He praised President Shimon Peres and called for "encouraging Israelis, Palestinians and other Arabs to get to know each other at least initially over the Internet while discussing sports, photography and other common interests - including peace prospects." The general-prince-Ph.d. is His Royal Highness Naef Bin Ahmed Al-Saud, who holds advanced degrees from Georgetown University and Cambridge. His military expertise: strategic planning and special operations, international diplomacy and cyber warfare. When he studied at the National Defense University in Washington D.C., among his classmates was Israel Air Force officer Zeev Snir, now a brigadier general in the IAF reserves, who, at the end of his studies was appointed the IAF's chief procurement officer and currently heads the security establishment's special means branch... (Continue, here)"....
It's so easy to forgive, so very hard to forget.....RIP
It's so easy to forgive, so very hard to forget.....RIP
Lebanon is mentioned in the Bible 71 times and its cedars 70 times....
Lebanon is mentioned in the Bible 71 times and its cedars 70 times....
The Ain Traz oak tree represents Lebanon. The Lord's cedars are in the clouds or above the sun, unrivalled but abundant. The 1800-year old Ain Traz oak tree is like Lebanon, unique and can shade two thousand chairs. In Ain Traz, houses were destroyed. Some inhabitants emigrated, while others survived along with their houses. The oak tree also survived. Such is Lebanon. It is destroyed and rebuilt; its people emigrate and return home. They may disagree with their fellow countrymen and their neighbors. As soon as the country reaches the end of a tunnel, it enters another one. As soon as it wakes up from a nightmare, it plunges in another. But … in the midst of destruction and reconstruction, in the midst of life and death, there is always a new day; there is also the Ain Traz oak tree. All people are good; all peoples and countries. But once more … Lebanon is mentioned in the Bible 71 times and its cedars 70 times. The United States is not mentioned not even once, nor is Russia. We were once told, "The froth goes away, but what benefits people remains on earth." Or a blessed tree grows to embrace people. Lebanon is the "Ain Traz oak tree".
The Truth about the Israeli Secret Services, MOSSAD and AMAN....
"The easiest way to achieve complete strategic surprise is to commit an act that makes no sense or is even self-destructive." It is a reminder, X, explained.... Keep that in mind! He is not ALONE in having that kind of approach to the turbulence they find themselves in worldwide......today and tomorrow, if they continue on this "self-destructive" Path....
MY FRIEND ELIE HOBEIKA, HK. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One can see the wisdom in his very visage. The hazel eyes, glowing from sockets lined with deep suntan emotions, beam with the brilliance of a limelight. His hair, looking like spun silver, sits neatly in place upon his head. Yet, as he nods slightly, it sparkles, each strand in concert, as if to echo the exuberance of his own nature. His nose, strong and stately, arcs proudly above the overshadowed yet undaunted mouth. The lips, bold as they are, show incredible kindness and generosity, especially when he curls them into one of his particularly boyish grins. His countenance mirrors his being and in that beautiful angel face one can see a child playing in a meadow. His forty six years do not show themselves in his posture. He stands tall, erect; and moves with unmitigated grace. Always dressed in perfect clothes, his bright colors dazzle and shine in the Lebanon sun. What a sight this man is to behold! The experiences, heartbreaks, loves, joys, and victories of forty six years of living, all combine into one fascinating embodiment within him, a Heroes' Hero and the greatest man ever.
Murderers and Joint Ventures in CRIME with Assef Shawkat of SYRIA....
List of partners in Assassinations of USA's criminal Government, together with MOSSAD , AMAN and Ha-Kirya in Tel Aviv... to name a FEW... with LB Intel.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) United States Department of Defense Secretary of Defense Counterintelligence Field Activity Air Force Intelligence (AF ISR or AIA) Army Military Intelligence Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Marine Corps Intelligence Activity National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) National Security Agency (NSA) Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) United States Department of Energy Office of Intelligence United States Department of Homeland Security Coast Guard Intelligence United States Department of Justice FBI Directorate of Intelligence (FBI DI) DEA Office of National Security Intelligence (DEA)United States Department of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) United States Department of the Treasury Office of Intelligence and Analysis...
The "civilized" World ?
"The civilized have created the wretched, quite coldly and deliberately, and do not intend to change the status quo; are responsible for their slaughter and enslavement; rain down bombs on defenseless children whenever and wherever they decide that their “vital interests” are menaced, and think nothing of torturing a man to death,or assassinating anyone: these people are not to be taken seriously when they speak of the “sanctity” of human life, or the “conscience” of the civilized world, or the "war" on Terror, because they are the inventors of Terror. ”
FREE Lebanon .
FREE LEBANON IS : "MESSAGE" TO THE WORLD . WE MUST FREE LEBANON'S YOUNG GENERATIONS FROM THE FEUDAL POLITICS OF A BLIND RULING "ELITE". Bashir Gemayel and ELIE Hobeika , ARE turning in their Graves, when they see these pathetic " New Alliances " made in Neoconville USA , Midwifed by amine Gemayel, between the so-called LF, Joumblatt " The NEW Darling of the Neocons" Agent in Chief, the criminal Killer Samir Geagea, Moufti JOUZOU, with PLO/FATH of all people, The New Hariri STOOGES of Saad Hariri and other unsavory characters not worth mentioning here. WALEED JOUMBLATT, Amine Gemayel, The Batrak SFEIR , the criminal Geagea, hungry for more Christian blood , because he has always been a serial killer and a murderer all his adult life, including 11 years in solitary confinement for murders committed in the 80s, and many other murders still to be judged, and ALL the March 14th whacko's, have permanently DERAILED, AND ELIMINATED FOR GOOD, the amazing gatherings of good will and NONSECTARIAN MANIFESTATIONS of a NON-SECTARIAN NATIONAL IDENTITY. The March 14th group decapitated the NATION with their petty sectarian and weak formulas, built around self aggrandizement of miserable individuals, who don't have enough legs to stand on... Assef Shawkat is back with a vengeance, ASSEF SHAWKAT IS A MONSTROUS SERIAL KILLER, NOW SUPPORTED BY THE WEST AGAIN.....HE IS TRYING TO COME BACK WITH A VENGEANCE, PRECISELY BECAUSE OF THE FAILURES OF THE MARCH 14TH PETTY SECTARIAN POLITICS, AND NOT AT ALL BECAUSE OF THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DIVIDE, WHO ARE NATURALLY EXERCISING THEIR RIGHT IN A PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY. MARCH 14TH GROUP HAVE FAILED MISERABLY THE TEST OF HISTORY, AND THEIR LEGACY WILL BE IN THE GUTTER OF LEBANON'S HISTORY, FOR THEY HIJACKED THE DREAMS AND ASPIRATIONS OF SEVERAL GENERATIONS OF VERY TALENTED YOUNG LEBANESE PEOPLE, FOR THEIR PETTY SECTARIAN AND BIGOTED POLICIES.
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With tears in their eyes and flowers in their hands people paid tribute to their national hero. Sad at the loss, which can not be compensated yet pride was all over their faces,sacrificed their son of the soil. His was a death for a noble cause of dying for one's own country. Such men are not born everyday, they belong to the rare class of humanity, who are an example in themselves, and they are the ones who set precedents. And they themselves are unprecedented.Lebanon has truly lost one of its finest sons. Elie Hobeika will go down in history as one of Lebanon’s most honorable men, who sacrificed their lives so that Lebanon may live. His story will be passed down from generation to generation and from father/mother to son to daughter. We tell the enemies of Lebanon that WE ARE ALL HK, Elie Hobeika for Ever !!
With tears in their eyes and flowers in their hands people paid tribute to their national hero. Sad at the loss, which can not be compensated yet pride was all over their faces,sacrificed their son of the soil. His was a death for a noble cause of dying for one's own country. Such men are not born everyday, they belong to the rare class of humanity, who are an example in themselves, and they are the ones who set precedents. And they themselves are unprecedented.Lebanon has truly lost one of its finest sons. Elie Hobeika will go down in history as one of Lebanon’s most honorable men, who sacrificed their lives so that Lebanon may live. His story will be passed down from generation to generation and from father/mother to son to daughter. We tell the enemies of Lebanon that WE ARE ALL HK, Elie Hobeika for Ever !!